A Penny For A Thought


Forum Expert
May 26, 2022
๐Œ๐„๐“๐‡๐Ž๐ƒ ๐๐„๐‡๐ˆ๐๐ƒ ๐‚๐‡๐ˆ๐๐€'๐’ ๐–๐€๐“๐„๐‘ ๐‚๐€๐๐๐Ž๐

Just in case you're wondering, that's not China. That's the Japanese Coast Guard vs Taiwan Coast Guard, shooting each other with water. This is in the waters in Diaoyu/Senkaku, a group of islands in the East China Sea. Diaoyu/Senkaku is claimed by China (Beijing and Taipei) and Japan.

Japan habitually fires water cannon towards fishermen and coast guards of Taiwan.

Why water? Because water is not firepower. Water is annoying, but it is still not firepower. If you respond with firepower to water, while it could be considered "self-defense," it is รฎllรฉgรขl under international law because it violates the principle of proportionality. Water is not an armed attack. If you respond with firepower, you're the one that launched the armed attack. In a domestic setting, if someone shoots you with a water gun, and you respond with a real gun, you're the criminal. Our government used to water cannon protestors, which protestors loved so much because of its dramatic effect. I hope you get my drift.

Our officials are stupid. They immediately urged to buy more military materiel, when what they should be doing is to equip our coast guard vessels with water cannons as well. So that when they encounter another one like this, the Philippine Coast Guard can shoot water back, just like Taiwan's Coast Guards vs Japan's Coast Guards.

That's why Japan is hypocritical in its statement against China. They also do it to Taiwan's fishermen and coast guards in their disputed area. The EU is also a hypocrite. They give funds to Libyan Coast Guards to ward off economic migrants passing through the Mediterranean Sea, and the Libyan Coast Guard shoots at people, not with water but with real gun. Thus, the West is really just manipulating us to be angry, when the issue should be dealt with in a watered-down way. They know our national psyche: melodramatic. And that's how they push our buttons: enable our dramatic temperament, and keeps us in our victimhood mentality. We're very much like the Ukrainians in temperament.

Habang ang China utak tubig, tayo utak pulbura.

It's wise to use water to enforce your sovereignty claim. It's not violent. It's annoying, yes, but not violent. Water is more humane than firepower. Water as weapon is also cheap. There's plenty in the sea. It's a renewable weapon. The Philippines should learn and stop whining. Our officials should stop being idiots by suggesting suicidal measures. Imagine China shoots you with water and you want to respond with US military might? Our officials are looking for a hammer to kill a fly. Our lack of finesse betrayed itself. It's water wars folks, and let's keep it that way. No one dies, you just get wet. Very civilised.

If we cannot still give up our 19th century thinking about Planet Earth, let's keep our battle water against water, until we realise it is just one sea, one ecology, and thus must be managed as one by its coastal states together.


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