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Pagtanim ng papaya


Forum Veteran
Oct 11, 2019
any idea paano makakag punla ulit kung ang papaya ay walang buto ni-isa?
hope it helps sayo brother!

Materials Needed:

  1. Healthy papaya plant with a sturdy stem
  2. Pruning shears or a sharp knife
  3. Rooting hormone (optional)
  4. Potting mix or soil
  5. Pot or container
  6. Plastic wrap or a plastic bag

  1. Select a Healthy Parent Plant:Choose a healthy and disease-free papaya plant with a strong stem. Select a plant that is at least a year old for better chances of successful propagation.
  2. Prepare the Cutting:
    • Use pruning shears or a sharp knife to cut a healthy stem section from the parent plant. The cutting should be around 12 to 18 inches long.
    • Ideally, choose a stem with several leaves at the top.
  3. Remove Leaves:
    • Remove the leaves from the lower half of the cutting.
    • Leave a few leaves at the top to aid in photosynthesis.
  4. Optional: Apply Rooting Hormone:
    • To encourage root development, you can dip the cut end of the stem in rooting hormone. This step is optional but can increase the success rate of rooting.
  5. Planting:
    • Fill a pot or container with a well-draining potting mix or soil.
    • Insert the cut end of the papaya cutting into the soil, burying it about 4-6 inches deep.
  6. Watering:
    • Water the cutting thoroughly after planting.
    • Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged.
  7. Create a Mini Greenhouse:
    • Cover the pot with a plastic wrap or place it inside a plastic bag to create a mini greenhouse effect. This helps to maintain high humidity around the cutting.
  8. Place in a Warm Location:
    • Keep the pot in a warm location with indirect sunlight.
    • Ensure the cutting receives enough light for photosynthesis.
  9. Monitor and Wait:
    • Check the soil moisture regularly and water when needed.
    • Roots should start developing within a few weeks to a couple of months.
  10. Transplanting:
    • Once the cutting has developed a strong root system and new growth, it's ready for transplanting into a larger container or directly into the ground.

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